How do you compare?
We have introduced a Gosford Tennis Club player ranking system based on the Universal Tennis Rating, regularly called a UTR, that records your weekly results from club play competitions and tournaments. This is your chance to know exactly how you rank, giving you an incentive to improve your game, and move up the leader board.
How do I get started?
By signing up to to get your UTR, you can get track your progress whenever you enter events held at GTC or elsewhere that use the system. Learn more or sign up at the links below.
Get involved and improve your skills
Your UTR helps us identify our best club players, identify players who would like to get to the next level via our local coaching and competition pathways, and ensure standards are maintained consistently and equally across the club.
It also helps us to seed players for local competitions, and club representation at inter-club and regional events.
UTR is easy to use and you or our staff can regularly update scores to provide you with your real time player skill level.
Compare yourself
Your UTR allows you to compare yourself against the world’s top players, and in 2019 Tennis Australia joined UTR to start providing local players with a nationwide UTR ranking. Read more HERE.
If you need any assistance to register or have any questions relating to the UTR, we are happy to assist you.